Day 5 of 100 Discontiguous Days of YARA
Improving YARA writing skills by writing more YARA rules.

Partaking in Greg’s #100DaysOfYARA, but to be honest it’s more likely to be #100DiscontiguousDaysOfYARA for me - if I make it that far.
I doubt that the rules shared these 100 days will contain any truly original ideas, but I’d still like to share what I’ve learned.
Day 5
First, credit for this goes to @wxs who has patiently helped me more than once with my rules over the years.
math.min is your friend!
Straight from the documentation, math.min
is defined as:
Why should I care about that?
Take this dummy rule for example:
rule test {
$op1 = { 33 ?? 33 ?? }
$op2 = { 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? e8 }
for 10 i in (1..#op1) : (
@op1[i] > @op2
@op1[i] + 200 < @op2
This contrived rule checks to see if 10 instances of $op1
are within 200 bytes before the first instance of $op2
Yes, this rule also throws
warning: may slow down scanning
errors. For performance reasons, we shouldn’t allow this, but this is just a simple rule to showcasemath.min
usage. Please don’t use this rule in any production system - I just made it up.
Depending on the number of hits on $op1
, this could take some time. We don’t know how many instances of $op1
could be found in some random file. To keep the number of loop iterations down, we can cap the total number of times the loop cycles through $op1
using math.min
import "math"
rule test {
$op1 = { 33 ?? 33 ?? }
$op2 = { 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? e8 }
for 10 i in (1..math.min(500, #op1)) : (
@op1[i] > @op2
@op1[i] + 200 < @op2
Notice the use of math.min(500, #op1)
. This caps the number of iterations at 500 whenever the number of #op1
is greater than 500, else it just iterates through the loop #op1
number of times. When iterating over something that could return a high number of results, strive to make use of math.min
to keep the number of iterations to a reasonable number.
What’s a reasonable number? Excellent question that I wish I had a good answer for outside of one of these:
- A number that keeps the kind folks at VT from reaching out
- Saves the kittens
Yes, please, use math.min(). Every time you upload a rule like that to VirusTotal god kills a kitten.
— Victor M. Alvarez (@plusvic) May 4, 2020