Day 2 of 100 Discontiguous Days of YARA
Improving YARA writing skills by writing more YARA rules.
Partaking in Greg’s #100DaysOfYARA, but to be honest it’s more likely to be #100DiscontiguousDaysOfYARA for me - if I make it that far.
I doubt that the rules shared these 100 days will contain any truly original ideas, but I’d still like to share what I’ve learned.
Day 2
import "pe"
rule pe_created_after_cert_expired {
author = "xorhex"
description = "Find PE files that were compiled (assuming the timestamp was not modified) after their code signing certificate expired"
HundredDaysOfYara = "Day 2"
for any s in pe.signatures: (
pe.timestamp > s.not_after
This rule loops through all of the signatures found in a PE file and compares that date against the pe timestamp to see if the binary was compiled after the certificate expired.